Culture as an operator in the methodological choices in math education




Culture. Teaching methodology. Mathematics. Pedagogue. Teacher training.


This paper aims to present a case study about the influences that culture exerts on the methodological choices of a pedagogue teacher when developing her practice in the primary education. For this purpose, we used the teaching practice in the primary education as a context, giving special attention to the teaching of Mathematics in the five early years. To access the methodological choices of the subject teacher of this research, we used a semi-structured interview as a source of information, from which analysis data were generated through ipsis litteris transcription and discursive analysis from the French perspective. As a result of this study, we realized that there was a presence of the cultural operator in the methodological choices made by the teacher, mainly associated with her emotions and elements of her story. In addition, emotionality was perceived as an intrinsic element of the emotion/quality of teaching/choice of method triad. The present study opened a door for us to studies related to the methodological choices of pedagogical teachers in the first years of elementary school, as well as to the understanding of the fact that culture can be an essential operator of tension in the teaching process. 


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Author Biography

Douglas Manoel Antonio De abreu pestana dos Santos, Membro da Cátedra Otavio Frias Filho de Estudos em Comunicação, Democracia e Diversidade USP/IEA

Membro da Cátedra Otavio Frias Filho de Estudos em Comunicação, Democracia e Diversidade USP/IEA. Sócio(a) da SBPC Sociedade Brasileira para o Progresso da Ciência.


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How to Cite

Santos, D. M. A. D. abreu pestana dos. (2024). Culture as an operator in the methodological choices in math education. Revista Baiana De Educação Matemática, 5(1), e202406.