

Sports, Gender stereotypes, School sport, Habitus


Sports, as free time activities, are linked to different lifestyles and in turn are the result of practices determined by different class habits and gender stereotypes. In the case of school-age children, it is conditioned by the choices of their parents, as well as the practices of young people who are part of society. The work has a double theoretical analysis, on the one hand it is based on the work by Pierre Bourdieu and on the other on theories of the sociology of sport that explain the difference between men and women when choosing the practice to perform. Correspondence analysis is used as a technique, based on a survey carried out among applicants to enter a pre-university secondary school in Bahía Blanca, Argentina, in 2018. In this sense, the sports practiced by boys and girls from 11 years old, whose families belong to a certain social class with university academic aspirations. The quantitative methodology implemented was carried out by means of a correspondence analysis between the variables "type of school of origin" and "gender" among the students who aspire to enter the pre-university school studied, in order to identify which sports the aspiring students practice. to said institution and what link they have with the historical social characteristics of its students. Likewise, the sporting characteristics distinctive to the city of Bahía Blanca and the country where the study is carried out will be taken into account. The results indicate that gender and social origin influence the type of sport practiced by each student.


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How to Cite

Anderete Schwal, M. (2021). WHAT SPORTS DO THE BOYS AND GIRLS CANDIDATES TO AN ARGENTINIAN PRE-UNIVERSITY SCHOOL PLAY, ACCORDING TO THEIR EDUCATIONAL ORIGIN AND GENDER. Cenas Educacionais, 4, e10349. Retrieved from https://www.revistas.uneb.br/index.php/cenaseducacionais/article/view/10349



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