

Mobile applications, Speech therapy, Child language, Phonological disorder


The study aimed to evaluate the applicability of a mobile application (App) to be used in the treatment process of Phonological Disorder (PD) in school-age children. For this, in the screening, the imitation test and an illustrative image of the ABFW protocol were used, then speech data were collected through the naming of figures with the ABFW phonology test and spontaneous speech to identify the process. A comparative analysis of the phonetic inventory was performed before and after the intervention period. The results show that the prevalence of SCD in schools 1 and 2 was, respectively, 11.5% and 9.4%. There was a concentration of PD in children in the 1st, 2nd and 3rd school years. Of the twenty volunteers who completed the survey, 40% automated the worked phoneme, 45% acquired it in  a non-systematic way and 15% did not acquire it. It is concluded that the educational application is a useful tool in speech therapy for children with PD and proved to be an aid tool in the process of automating the installed phoneme.


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Author Biographies

Mére Lander Moura Lins, Master's student in Teaching in Health and Technology at the State University of Health Sciences of Alagoas - Brazil

Specialist in Orofacial Motricity with Emphasis in Hospital Speech Therapy by the Center for Teaching and Research in Medical Emergencies. Speech Therapist at Public Health Network of Maceió

Almira Alves dos Santos, Professor at the Professional Master's Degree in Health and Technology Teaching at the State University of Health Sciences of Alagoas - Brazil

Doctorate in Dental Sciences from Universidade Estadual Paulista, with a Post-Doctorate in Education from the Lusófona University of Humanities and Technologies

Luciana Costa Melo, Professor in the Master's Degree in Health Sciences at the State University of Health Sciences of Alagoas and in the Postgraduate Program in Nutrition at the Federal University of Alagoas - Brazil

Doctorate in Health Sciences from the Federal University of Alagoas


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