


Entrepreneurial characteristics. Entrepreneurial skills. Decision-making.


This case for teaching seeks to develop the capacity of analysis and strategic decision making through the analysis of the entrepreneurial profile by identifying the skills of its characters according to the model proposed by Cooley (1990, 1991). The case tells the story of two brothers: João and Antônio who work in the area of information technology in the interior of the state of Ceará. The company started in 2005 and since then it has gone through several phases and different ways of acting. After more than ten years, the partners need to decide whether to invest in a new technology. What to do? Invest or not? Own resources or those of third parties? What are the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats that the brothers must consider in order to make a decision about whether or not to invest in the new technology? The data to build the case were obtained through interviews with the owners, observation and document collection in SuperNet.


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Author Biography

Ruan Carlos dos Santos, UNIAVAN

Bacharel em Filosofia - UNISUL (2003-2006); Licenciatura em Sociologia e Filosofia - UFSC/FIC (2006-2007/ 2017-2018); Bacharel em Teologia - FACASC (2007-2008); Bacharelando em Administração - FCV (2017-2019); Especialização e MBA em Gestão Empresarial - FAPAG (2011-2012); Especialização em Ensino Superior e EAD - UNIASSELVI (2016-2017). Especialização em Metodologia de Ensino de Filosofia e Sociologia - FACEL (2017-2018). Mestrado em Administração - UNIVALI (2015-2017); Doutorando em Administração - UNIVALI (2019-2021).


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