

narrative, orality, discourse, discursive ancestry, discursive egoespecularity


This article about the short story Finisterre, from the book o Calor das Graças, 1980, written by Nélida Piñon , aims to analyze the fictional text to show the marks of orality in writing, the narrative force and the transmission of Galician ancestral knowledge, therefore I make use of the concepts “discourse of ancestry” and “discursive ego-specularity”. The concept of ancestry interests me as a discourse, an enunciation about the textualities of tradition. By “discursive ego-specularity” applied to literature, I mean the reading of a literary work that reflexively connects the writer, the text and the reader. In addition to these references, I also make use of the three-dimensional interpretative model of the text – social practice/text/discursive practice – proposed by Norman Fairclough in his Critical Discourse Analysis, as well as the two types of narrators treated by Walter Benjamin, the one who narrates the journeys and what tells the stories of the place. I am also anchored in the concept and importance of the voice from the studies of Paul Zumthor.


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BENJAMIN. Walter. O narrador. Considerações sobre a obra de Nikolai Leskov. Disponível em: . Acesso em: 26 ago 2023.

Definições de Identidade. Maxwell/PUC/RJ. Disponível em: < 21902_3.PDF (puc-rio.br)> Acesso em: 29 ago 2023.

FAIRCLOUGH, Norman. Discurso e mudança social. Trad. Izabel Magalhães. Editora UnB: Brasília, 2001.

LEIRO, Lúcia. Memórias da Bahia: cartas da imigração galega. Diponível em:< MEMÓRIAS DA BAHIA: CARTAS DA IMIGRAÇÃO GALEGA | Estudos Linguísticos e Literários (ufba.br)>. Acesso em: 06 dez 2022.

PIÑON, Nélida. O calor das coisas. Editora Record: Rio de Janeiro, 1997.

Reconhecimento da galeguidade. Disponível em: DOG 126 do 4/07/2013 - LEI 7/2013, de 13 de junho, da galeguidade. (xunta.gal). Acesso em: 26 ago 2023.

SCOTT, Joan. Gênero: uma caterogia útil de análise histórica. Disponível em: < Microsoft Word - Gênero_Joan Scott.doc (usp.br)> Acesso em: 29 ago 2023

ZUMTHOR, Paul. A letra e a Voz. São Paulo: Companhia das Letras, 1993.



How to Cite

Leiro, L. (2023). ORALITY AND ANCESTRALITY IN FINISTERRE, BY NÉLIDA PIÑON. Contação De Histórias E Oralidades - CHO, 1(1), 53–75. Retrieved from https://www.revistas.uneb.br/index.php/cho/article/view/18428

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