

The present article unfolds on the theme of love as the possibility of an experience as sacred. Or termed by Ferry is lay spirituality, and Sponville refers to a spirituality sem Deus. Both dialogue paths for a spirituality, or even some element that is worth risking after the era of deconstruction, indicated by Ferry as initiated with the French bohemians of the 19th century and Nietzsche in Germany. Se Ferry traces the historical path, from the boêmios até or real, factual love, not the abstract love of the Illuminists, to corroborate their Revolução do Amor, Sponville glimpses the different names given to love by ancient Greeks, - eros, philia and agape - , a necessary humanization to the term, no sense of fixing it to Earth reverberating or its deep sense, as a last resort to a spirituality for ateus.


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Author Biography

Wesley Barbosa, UFF e UFES

Licenciado em História pela UFES e bacharel em Psicologia pela mesma instituição. Mestre em Filosofia pelo PPGFIL-UFES. Doutorando em Filosofia pelo PPGFIL-UFES e doutorando em psicologia pelo PPGP-UFF. 



How to Cite

Barbosa, W. (2024). POR UMA ESPIRITUALIDADE LAICA. Scientia: Revista Científica Multidisciplinar, 9(1), 75–96. Retrieved from https://www.revistas.uneb.br/index.php/scientia/article/view/16958