Memories of a civilian teacher at Salvador Military School (1998-2018)




Memoirs, Brazilian army, Military School System, Education, Teaching


This study aims to socialize the memory of a civilian teacher who lived in the military world on several fronts, from enlistment and military service to teaching in a military education system. To do so, we used the history of the Brazilian Army, evidencing the creation of the first Military School that stimulated the creation of the Military School System in Brazil, resulting in several military Schools spread across the country. In my case, I reported the pedagogical experiences lived for 20 years at the Military School of Salvador. Highlighting since its creation, through the process of selecting new students to enter the education system, by defining the behavior and discipline of the student body from a specific regiment for military Schools, by the competitive and individualistic aspect worshiped in the Salvadoran institution , by the diversification of the teaching staff both in the form of admission, and in academic training, by the analysis of the pedagogical proposal adopted at the school, to the pedagogical patrolling carried out by military agents occupying strategic positions in the management of military education, even with these agents, training weak academic or uneducated. In an attempt to accomplish this task, I presented an (auto)biographical narrative of these impressions as a teacher of this educational system. This study also relied on methodological procedures based on qualitative research from the analysis and interpretation of scientific documents and texts published on the military education system, aiming to describe the phenomena and understand the attitudes, motivations and behaviors experienced, specifically, at the Military School of Salvador. The (auto)biographical approach as an investigative and reflective way of pedagogical practice was an important tool in the research. Thus, this study aimed to describe the (auto)biographical reports and bibliographical research on the pedagogical aspects of the Military School of Salvador and other peculiarities that we learned about during 20 years of work as a civil teacher in this educational institution.

[Received on: May 21, 2021 - Accepted on: June 18, 2021]


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Author Biography

Genivaldo Cruz SANTOS, Universidade do Estado da Bahia - UNEB

Doutorando do Programa de Crítica Cultural, Departamento de Linguística, Literatura e Artes (DLLARTES) UNEB, Alagoinhas.


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How to Cite

SANTOS, G. C. Memories of a civilian teacher at Salvador Military School (1998-2018). Pontos de Interrogação – Journal of Cultural Criticism, Alagoinhas-BA: Laboratório de Edição Fábrica de Letras - UNEB, v. 11, n. 1, p. 133–149, 2021. DOI: 10.30620/pdi.v11n1.p133. Disponível em: Acesso em: 20 may. 2024.