


Expertise, Reports, Assets investigation


Expertise in asset verification requires extensive knowledge of the entire range of procedures that exist in a company. Adverse situations, such as the departure of a partner, can generate doubts between the parties, mainly related to the function and financial amount for each one of the parties. If there isn’t an amicable agreement, the case is brought to justice so that, through a referee, the decision can be taken regarding the determination of these values. The purpose of this research is to analyze and compare two expert reports for valuing assets, emphasizing procedures used by the accounting experts. As a result, the first investigation deals with a partial dissolution of the company due to disagreements, and the second process deals with a partial dissolution of the company due to the death of one of the associate. It was evidenced that the reports followed the legal formalities, sinning in some aspects, such as lack of detail in technical or scientific analysis. Other findings are the differences in views and methodological approaches. It is evident that the two reports reached the intended objective, but left some doubts, because in the view of those who analyzed the report, some information were not clear, which could be useful for the magistrate, in decision-making. Each report has its specificities and must be individual, following the intuitions of each accounting expert.


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Author Biographies

Udo Strassburg, Universidade Estadual do Oeste do Paraná - UNIOESTE



Katyane Aline Cantu Moreno, Universidade Estadual do Oeste do Paraná - UNIOESTE

Mestranda em contabilidade, Universidade Estadual do Oeste do Paraná (Unioeste), Especialização em Contabilidade Estratégica de Negócios - PUC - PR e Graduada em Ciências Contábeis pela PUC - Toledo - PR



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