


Entrepreneurship; Microcredit;. Development; Palmas/TO.


The Microcredit can emerge as an alternative instrument for those who wish to undertake.Thus, the general objective of this research was to analyze how this has contributed to the growth and entrepreneurial development of Palmas - TO. The methodology adopted was based on qualitative approach and was divided into two stages. The first corresponded to a semi-structured interview to three development institutions, documentation of the profile of the entrepreneurs benefiting the predominance of credit borrowers. It was also analyzed the conception of these banks with regard to the granting of microcredit for business development in Palmas. The second stage consists of a case study semi-structured for a credit user entrepreneur. The results analysis showed that the most attended entrepreneurs have been those who act in the formality and that the microcredit has assisted both in the beginning of the business and in the expansion of the already existing one, has been used as both working capital, through the purchase of material -prima for production and also to bring some investment in the enterprise, thus contributing to the growth of the business.


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