Vol. 1 No. 1 (2020): Trabalhos de Filosofia Geral I

Capa da Revista Anãnsi, volume 1, número 1. A imagem de capa apresenta uma foto em preto e branco do monumento das Gordinhas de Ondina.

In this first issue we gather works of General Philosophy. Here the authors develop questions about Marx and the Russian peasant revolution, from the materialimso in the characters of Sade, Dialogues between Machado de Assis and Adorno with Hegel, Legal Philosophy, Teaching Philosophy and Deafness, Transmodernity, Violence, Feminism, Surveillance and Pandemic. We also have translations by Engels, Russell, Sartre, Quentin Meillassoux, Lynn Purcell, and film reviews of the films Persona (1966) and Estou me guardando para quando o canaval chegar (2019). This edition's editorial presents a magazine and criticizes Heidegger's text What is philosophy? The main objective is to align our discourse in favor of the recognition and legitimacy of the different philosophies.

Published: 2020-08-30

