Encíclica Laudato si

intersecção entre o paradigma ecológico e a reciprocidade da dádiva como forma de compromisso social.


  • Diego Alberto Beltrán Universidad Nacional de Rosario


Don, Reciprocidad Ecología


The objective of this paper is not to carry out an exegesis of the papal Encyclical, but rather to explore the practical and heuristic potentialities of the concept of gift applied to the use of the land, the care of the ecology and as a social relationship between human beings. This is precisely the articulation that is developed in the encyclical and, as the practice of the gift has a very long presence in history; the potentiality of this relationship takes on a life of its own. The position regarding the problems of hunger, unemployment and the discarding of millions of human beings can be taken uncritically from the current globalized capitalist system and think that these problems will be overcome with a series of technological leaps and social engineering derived from that same system. In this case, what is thought and programmed will be carried out within the perspective of a particular point, surely privileged, of that system, but the solutions that come out of it will contain its own logic, perpetuating the mechanism that generates hunger, unemployment and conscious discarding  and naturalized human beings. The method used is hermeneutic in the Hans Georg-Gadamer variant and consists of analyzing the papal Encyclical taking into account the social thought of the church, modern ecological thought and the ecological perspective of societies that use reciprocity as the nuclear gear of the economic, cultural and political dimension of the same.


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How to Cite

BELTRÁN, D. A. Encíclica Laudato si: intersecção entre o paradigma ecológico e a reciprocidade da dádiva como forma de compromisso social. Revista Internacional de Educação de Jovens e Adultos, [S. l.], v. 5, n. 09, p. 168–186, 2023. Disponível em: https://www.revistas.uneb.br/index.php/rieja/article/view/13561. Acesso em: 18 may. 2024.



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